5 Ways to Spend Time with God For the Busy Woman.
First things first let’s be clear we are never too busy for God. This article is to help us in those seasons of our life when we aren’t able to devote hours on end to soaking in His presence.
Before becoming a mother, I would wake up every day and the first thing I would do is pull out my notebook and bible. I would get lost in reading about all of God’s promises. I always loved reading a study bible that offered cross references. This allowed me to understand the content and context and receive current day applications to enhance my life.
One of my favorite things to do with God was journaling. I would pour my heart out to God and then I would write what the Spirit was saying back to me. Fast forward to 4 children later sitting down to do anything for hours on end that doesn’t involve parenting is a hard task. Time with God is a necessity. I remember beating myself up for not spending as much time as I would like with God and He spoke these words to me, He said, “Nicole who told you that you have to accomplish everything in one day, seek my face for the day and relax.”
At that moment I was released. I longed to spend hours with God, however my current lifestyle does not permit this every single day.
Here are some ways I am intentional about spending time with God.
#5 Get in Where You Fit In
“Listen to sermons, watch YouTube videos, listen to the Bible app all while doing daily activities.”
We live in modern times where technology has really advanced. There are tons of apps and technology tools that allow you to stay connected and strengthen your spiritual connection.
You can find your favorite pastor, church, preacher and teacher all on social media outlets. These tools allow you to listen while you drive the children to school, getting everyone ready in the morning and while completing your daily chores.
This is my go-to method as it keeps me spiritually engaged. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17).
I travel quite a bit and you don’t know how many times Bill Winston, TD Jakes, Bishop Richard Peoples, Sarah Jakes Roberts and others have inspired me on my journey. Listening to the Word of God while we are moving around allows the Word to penetrate our spirit.
Not only is the Word encouraging, it allows you the opportunity to maximize your time. You gain spiritual and personal growth all while drawing close to God.
I was listening to a Sermon Series while driving my daughter to and from her orthodontist appointment. The sermon had been playing the entire ride. The topic was about entrepreneurship and walking to your full potential. Once we arrived home my daughter said, “that was good, send me this video.” BONUS!! You draw those around you closer to God as well.
#4 Run to the Cave
Take Small Breaks
Research conducted by Dscout concluded that the average person touches their phone 2,600 times per day. WOW! You read that right almost 3,000 times. Soooooo to say we don’t have time for God should be non-existent.
Most of what we do is not thought out or planned. Our brain wants to be efficient and will do whatever we program it to do. Our brain is so adamant about being resourceful, it records our patterns and finds easier ways for us to accomplish what we do on a regular basis, thus forming our habits.
Instead of grabbing our phone to check social media, emails, news, etc. We can use these small breaks (that add up to 2,600 times out of our day) and make a habit out of studying the scripture. How much can we grow if we read a scripture 2,600 times a day?
It would be pertinent in our drawing close to God. This method helps us memorize scripture. Benefits of memorizing scripture enable us to tap into the power we possess as kingdom citizens. God says that His Word will NEVER return void – it has to accomplish that which He commands it to do (Isaiah 55:11).
We have creative power through the Word of God. Studying gives us an awareness of what God has already promised to us. The more we know the less we fall prey to the lies of this world.
I used to write down scriptures on sticky notes and post them all over my car, desk and around my house. Whenever I came across it, I would recite it. This habit allowed me to take hold of God’s Word and embed it in my heart.
This habit builds our faith. When hardships arise or whenever we need encouragement, we can pull the Word of God from our heart and walk-in victory.
#3 Put it on the Calendar
Plan to Pray
Stephen R. Covey is quoted as saying, “The key is not to prioritize what is on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”
One time I was talking to God... AKA I was complaining about not having enough time in the day and you know God had a response. He simply told me that He is Sovereign. He constructed a perfect plan on how to allot time for us each day. 24 hours is the final resolution.
If God saw fit to give us 24 hours, we as humans need to learn how to maximize the time. Planning to pray is so beneficial in our walk with God. On days when I am extremely busy, I will set a timer for 7 minutes of prayer and then go into reading the bible. On other days I will set the time for longer periods of time. The point is I plan to pray. Just like with everything else planning to spend time with God is time well spent. My attitude and outlook on the day is shifted after I spend time with God.
Psalm 16:11 You will show me the way of life, granting me the joy of your presence and the pleasures of living with you forever.
Prayer is the gateway to heaven. Not praying daily is like going to battle without the proper armor. Not only does it prepare us for the days ahead, it gives us the advantage. God is so strategic. He longs to reveal His plans to us. A day missed in God’s presence is a plan missed.
One of the tricks of the enemy is that we have time. We will never experience this moment again. We must utilize our time wisely. What better use of our time than to tap into heaven and draw closer to God.
#2 Read a Devotional
Every Relationship Requires Intimacy
Devotionals are short simple teachings on a bible verse or biblical topic. I love devotionals because the writer has taken the time to understand the context of the scripture. They develop Holy Spirit inspired short writings created to empower the reader.
There are so many devotionals available on the market. Guess what some devotionals are available for you to sign up for free.
Here are a few of my favorite devotionals:
These are just a few. Most churches provide daily devotions through their websites or apps. I have even seen them on YouTube. You can search for them based on topics such as, Prayer, Devotions for Moms, Business Devotions etc.
You can sign up for my daily devotion which is sent out every Monday- Friday.
I have been writing daily devotions for over ten years. This time with God has given me insight into the mind and heart of God. Daily I am intrigued by God’s love for me and all of mankind. This is a sure way to Draw Close to God.
#1 Rise and Shine
Early Bird Catches the Worm
I have read countless articles and books on how to be successful and tools on how to be your most productive self, habits of millionaires and how to become rich. Each article has one thing in common. They suggest waking up early to meditate as a key to success living.
I think my next book is going to be entitled, “God said it first.”
The bible states numerous times that Jesus secluded himself early in the morning to spend time with God. If it worked for Jesus, it will work for me. Jesus was always prepared. God is proactive. As we spend time with God, He heightens our awareness and prepares us for the journey ahead.
Why early in the morning? I hear you night owls! However, rising early is when most people are less distracted. Neuroscientists have revealed that rising early before daybreak for such habits as meditation contribute to health, wealth and wisdom.
Have you ever had a clear mind... no distractions... no influence- just you and God? This time is unexplainable as it can only be experienced. There is something special that takes place. Research also shows that starting our day in solitude aids in sharpening our focus and facilitates our ability to optimize our daily task.
Sacrificing our sleep-in order to spend time with God yields multiple benefits. God says He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). I love spending time with God with no distractions. I’m able to concentrate and be one with God and His Spirit. In this secret place God can pour His daily bread into us and equip us for the day ahead. A sure way to Draw Closer to God.
As mentioned before this is not to push God on the back burner. God is sensitive to our daily tasks and responsibilities. He desires to spend time with us. As this cultivates a relationship with Him. The more we know God the more we know ourselves. Live life to its fullest potential and offer the world hope. These tools help us when life is busy and we long to spend intimate time with our loving Father. God is always available to spend time with us. We must make time to draw close to Him!